Household fires are something none of us want to experience. Exercising good fire safety habits with electronics can go a long way, but there’s an additional layer of protection people can add without any construction.

Fire resistant paint might sound like something from a movie, but fortunately for us brands like FireFree have been manufacturing just that thing for years.

Last October as part of Fire Prevention Month we mentioned this kind of paint, and we felt it was worth a revisit for Greensboro residents.

How does fire resistant paint work?

FireFree paint is composed of materials that expand rapidly when exposed to extreme heat. What this does is causes the outermost layer to char, which significantly slows down the rate the underneath materials pick up heat. Also, it takes a lot longer for the surface to flash over this way.

Class A fire retardant paint should resist flash over for 30 minutes; some classes of paint have longer protection times.

The idea is simple: help the walls and interior surfaces resist catching fire for as long as possible, providing inhabitants more time to safely escape the building before the fire becomes too intense. Also, of course, the longer the surfaces can hold out before catching fire the less overall damage there will be when emergency responders arrive to contain the fire. Call (336) 799-0077 for more of our Greensboro house painters.

You can apply fire resistant paint like this to all kinds of interior surfaces:

  • wood
  • gypsum board (sheetrock, plasterboard)
  • lathe and plaster
  • concrete
  • masonry
  • embossed/pressed metal tin
  • thin gauge metal
  • galvanized steel and aluminum
  • spray polyurethane foam (SPF)
  • fiberglass
  • carbon fiber
  • plastics and other composites

You might expect that the types of ingredients needed to make paint behave this way involve some pretty toxic chemicals. Fortunately, FireFree is eco-friendly, certified non-flammable and non-toxic.

Call us today for an estimate on applying this powerful paint to your home!